Eastern Cape, Südafrika 

If you Smile at Nature…

17. Januar 2014

… nature will smile at you!

Well, after several days without any WiFi access we´ve finally made it to tell you now about some of our latest experiences with our Nomads companions (the so-called „Reisegruppe“ mentioned before here) in South Africa.

And as we are traveling with an international group we´ve just decided to write some of our future posts in English – so that everyone is able to join us. Let´s just say sorry in advance if there might be some mistakes or wrong spellings… We´ll improve!

Surf along the Eastern Cape

But let´s start where we´ve ended up last time… Leaving the western cape after Knysna (where we walked in the township) we proceeded to Tsitsikamma National Park, with some of South Africa´s most spectacular hiking trails. Along the road we´ve just passed by Jeffrey´s Bay, one of the best surf spots in S.A. Unfortunately we´ve only had little time to stop and watch the famous supertubes there. But actually this is the price of being a “Reisegruppe” – interests differs and there is always a schedule to be followed.

If you Smile at Nature…

First step into Nature

The Eastern Cape region around Tsitsikamma is really green. For sure, this landscape doesn´t come out of nothing: Plants need more than just sun! When we arrived at our destination nearby the Nationalpark, the nice Tube´n Axe Campsite in Storms River village, the village´s name became reality and dark clouds appeared at the horizon. We had to face the possibility of building up our tent in the rain. But as our guide Gertrud told us several times: Just smile at nature – and nature will smile at you.

Well, hope disappeared completely when we started the next morning to the National Park´s gate for a long day of hiking. Rain was back again! Heavy rain! We just kept on smiling!

Several members of our “Reisegruppe” (including ourselves) were tough enough to face the bad conditions and to hike the first parts of the famous Otter Trail. Although we all got totally wet it was a fantastic walk along the stormy coast side up to the waterfall and to the suspension bridge.

If you Smile at Nature…

For sure Tsitsikamma National Park is beautiful and always worth a visit – on rainy and definitely also on sunny days. There is another great campsite directly at the coast. Must be perfect to wake up in the morning with such a view or at least to enjoy a delicious Braais there after hiking.

If you Smile at Nature…

A step into Deep

The region around Storms River mouth is not only famous for Tsitsikamma and its hikes but for a huge number of activities like tube riding, treetop canopy tours or bungee jumping. So, why don´t step into nature “high over heels” on Bloukrans Bridge, the highest bungee jump in the world (216 meters) ? Thanks to Anita, the bravest girl of our Nomads “Reisegruppe” who let us all took part in her personal adrenalin infusion. And, of course – she smiled for the rest of the day.

If you Smile at Nature…
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